Valen Yamamoto

CS Student @ UCI

Welcome to my portfolio!

Hi! I am a computer science student at the University of California, Irvine specializing in machine learning, robotics algorithms, and optimizing parallel algorithms for high performance environments

Deep Learning Framework in C++

Github Repository

Ever since I started learning PyTorch, I have been fascinated by the automatic gradient feature. In order to further understand it, I decided I would try to write my own version. At the time, I was also taking a C++ class, so I decided to both learn about autograd and study for my finals. (As well as do the required project to initiate into IEEE-HKN)

This program dynamically constructs a computation graph as operations are done. When the backward function is called on the final node, then, just as in PyTorch, all the gradients are calculated for all the intermediate nodes.

Currently, this program only supports linear layers. For non-linear activation functions, the program requires that both the function and a function for its derivative/gradient are passed in. I included a Sequential wrapper, which does exactly what it does in PyTorch. Even those I wrote these layer abstraction, the automatic differentiation still works for math done outside layers.

The current mathematical operations this program supports are:

  • Elementwise addition, subtraction, mulitplication
  • Matrix multiplication
  • Reduce sum

Because I also did this project to strengthen my C++ skills, this project tries to knock off most of the basic, object-oriented C++ skills:

  • Classes - All layers and tensors are implemented as classes, as well as my SGD implementation
  • Polymorphism and Inheritence - Layer classes all descend from an abstract base class and overload the forward method, just as they do in PyTorch
  • Operator Overloading - Since the dynamic computation graph is built as operations are done on tensors, I have overloaded the basic operators (+,-,*,/) to add to the graph when executed
  • Functions and Lambdas - Activation functions and their derivatives need to be passed in when being used, and they can either be written traditionally as a function or as a lamdba function

This project also gave me the opportunity to practice other coding related skills, including:

  • Makefiles - I wrote my own Makefile for this project to compile both executables and intermediate object files
  • Memory Check - I used valgrind to check for memory leaks and uninitialized memory reads

Python Scripts for Parsing SPICE Output: A Workshop

Github Repository Python is particularly useful for writing quick scripts. I find myself reaching for Python whenever I need to parse output into more readable/processable forms like csv files or pandas DataFrames. Engineering students at UCI ……

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MPI Workshop

Github Repository After my internship at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, I decided to write on workshop on MPI for parallel programming. As large servers become more ubiquitous in most computer science workplaces, being able to write and ……

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