Valen Yamamoto

CS Student @ UCI

Welcome to my portfolio!

Hi! I am a computer science student at the University of California, Irvine specializing in machine learning, robotics algorithms, and optimizing parallel algorithms for high performance environments

Linux Command Line Workshop

Github Repository

All engineers will eventually have to use the Linux command line either on the job or in classes; however, the command line is barely taught in classes. While a rudimentary understanding of the command line is needed to get most tasks done, knowing some additional tips and tricks can make work much easier and faster. The goal of the workshop was to introduce the Linux command line interface as well as common commands that all engineers should know.

This workshop covers the following:

  • Intro to Linux OS
  • Linux filesystem and traversing the directory structure
  • Managing file permissions
  • Pipes and redirects
  • grep, find
  • aliasing
  • vim
  • tmux

Machine Learning Internship @ LLNL

My second summer internship at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) focused on comparing machine learning inference performance on novel AI hardware accelerators from Samba Nova and Cerebras to NVIDIA GPUs. I was working with a autoencoder ……

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Linux Dotfiles Workshop

Github Repository Everyone in engineering has to use a Linux terminal once in a while. Why not customize your experience? This workshop was conceived as a fast, easy workshop to run during midterms while also giving useful information on how to ……

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