Valen Yamamoto

CS Student @ UCI

Welcome to my portfolio!

Hi! I am a computer science student at the University of California, Irvine specializing in machine learning, robotics algorithms, and optimizing parallel algorithms for high performance environments

JPL M2020 Internship

I worked in Section 374K with Justin Huang implementing RRTConnect has a motion planning algorithm for the the 5 DOF arms on the Mars rovers. Usually in motion planning, paths are smoothed to make corners into curves for less jerky motion; however, for space robotics, planners try to send the least amount of data through space to the rovers so the minimal number of viapoints is preferred. So instead of smoothing the RRT-generated paths, I spent the majority of my time simplifying the paths to the smallest number of viapoints.

My Final Presentation:

My Final Report, which has more information on path simplification algorithms:

I also got to hang out in the Mars Yard, where I got to see replicas of Curiosity and Perserverence used to test out new features.



Linux Workshop (Part 2)

Github Repository Check out the first Linux workshop here Rerunning last year’s workshop, I realized that I did not write down any information on what I said last year. So this year, I have made a powerpoint presentation to go with the ……

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Computer Vision with the Jetson Nano Workshop

Github Repository Since we still had those 15 Jetson Nanos (thanks NVIDIA!), we should probably do something more with them. And what better to do with them than computer vision. This workshop covers the following concepts: Convolution-based image ……

NVIDIAJetsonIEEE Continue